Should we start unpacking our winter clothes now in the Hudson Valley? Well not necessarily, but the Farmers Almanac is giving us some insight as to what to expect this winter season.

It's no surprise, we got a lot of snow in the Hudson Valley and it gets bitterly cold during the winter months. But the past few years we've had rather mild temperatures during the winter months. Who could forget that one Christmas when it was in the 60's?

Well, it looks like things may be a bit chillier this year.

The Farmer Almanac, which is now in its 200th year according the USNews.Com, has released their predictions for the 2018-2019 Northeast winter season.

The Almanac predicts that we'll be experiencing a winter wonderland from Maryland to Maine with five coastal snow storms.

It is being suggested by the Farmers Almanac that the U.S. will see a "colder-than-normal temperatures for eastern and central regions, wetter-than-normal weather for southeastern states and drier-than-normal conditions for the nation's western third that was pummeled by snow last winter."

Again these are just predictions, but the Hudson Valley knows how to handle a snowstorm or two.

Are you ready for winter?

The 2019 Farmers Almanac is currently available for pre-order.

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