I Ruined Someone’s July 4th Fireworks Display…
This was not one of my brightest moments.
And for the record, this does not tie in with yesterday's article. No, I did not take revenge!
I haven't had the greatest luck with fireworks over the years. One year when I was really young, a cousin was setting off fireworks for a family BBQ, and some sparks wizzed by my head, singing my hair. I looked like I had some weird fade on the right side of my head. That experience made me terrified of fire works for a few years. I remember my first trip to Disney World and watching the fireworks at Ebcot. My parents thought I was going to love it. Instead, I wanted to take cover because I was afraid of getting singed again. Later in life, once I got over that fear, we were lighting off some fireworks when the stand fell and pointed right at us. We all got out of the way before anything could fire in our direction, but it was still scary nonetheless. Needless to say, I don't have a great track record with fireworks. I think one of my dimmest moments; however, happened a couple years ago where I ruined one family's fireworks display altogether.
It was an Accident!
When I was living up in Albany, I got to enjoy all the fireworks displayed they put on. I remember pulling off to the side of the road to watch the Albany skyline as they set off fireworks from Empire Plaza. It easily had to have been one of my favorite displays ever. As I was driving back into the city to get to my apartment, people were lighting their own fireworks everywhere. I could see them from churches I passed, from parks, and from backyards. It was really exciting, actually.
I turned onto a a new road while I was gazing up at the many lights around me. All of a sudden... THUD! That didn't sound good. I could feel a bump from under my car as if I ran something over. Terrified, I stopped and looked behind me. Thank God it was not a child or a pet. I had ran over some kind of firework that a family had left in the middle of the street. They were going to set off their at-home fireworks in the middle of the street. Now mind you, this was not some residential road, this was on a busy city street. There were plenty of cars ahead of me and behind me. I apologized to the family who sat on their stoop, and went on my way, Fortunately, they took it alright, and were actually laughing about the whole situation, making fun of the family member who set up the firework there, saying "Serves you right!" and "What did I tell you!" I'm glad I wasn't the only person who thought that was horrible placement to light their fireworks. Why would you light fireworks on a busy city street where there was plenty of oncoming traffic? Thank goodness no one was harmed, and we all went about our night.