Low income school children, under the age of 18 are eligible to receive free lunches during the summer months. Over 400,000 meals are available every day for children who might have trouble with the additional costs of trying to feed the kids who are out of school for the summer.

There is a locator below. Use it to search by zip code to find the closest location serving meals. Depending on the location, there is either one or two meals available per day.

Here are some facts on the NY Summer Free Lunch Program, from a press release:

  • About 400,000 free meals are served daily to New York State children through the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program, which is underway throughout New York State through September 4, 2017.

  • Statewide, there are 360 organizations serving nutritious meals every day.

  • There are approximately 3,000 SFSP feeding sites throughout the State.

  • It is anticipated more than 20 million nutritious meals will be served to New York children this summer.