Free Pheasants in New York? Don’t Mind If I Do
It's not too often that New York State offers up something free but why a free bird?
That's right. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is now accepting applications from residents interested in raising baby pheasants. According to the Associated Press the Pheasant Chick program has been around since the early 1900s.
Fowl foster parents will be tasked to raise their new born chicks and then later release them (probably once their teenagers, that's when they're pains in the butt). Applicants must have a brooding facility, a covered outdoor rearing pen, and an adequate release site.
The baby chicks will be distributed to applicants in April, May or June. The program is free thanks to the State Conservation Fund, supported by license fees paid by hunters, trappers, and anglers. In 2016, DEC distributed more than 34,000 pheasant chicks.