Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Discontinued?! Not So Fast…
Before you go buying Hellmann's Mayonnaise in bulk, take a deep breath and keep reading.
Another Popular Food Item to Be Discontinued...Allegedly.
I feel like since Ronzoni announced they would be discontinuing the best at-home Italian mom-sick-day remedy, Pastina, everyone has been on edge. Especially when it comes to classic foods and products.
Just last week bakers were running for the hills when a Facebook post went viral exclaiming there were "extreme amounts of lead" in KitchenAid mixers. That was debunked in the blink of an eye by Snopes. Plus, after a little research on our end, we learned that the KitchenAid website had nothing on the website page dedicated to recalls.
SEE ALSO: How in the World Can a Piece of our Childhood be Discontinued?
With that being said, let's talk mayo.
America's Favorite Mayo Brand Donezo?
A post from Hellmann's Mayonnaise Facebook page went viral on Monday, January 30th, 2023. In the now-deleted post, the Hellmann's page announced that they were discontinuing its mayo products. The post made its rounds to Hudson Valley timelines and lots of folks were heartbroken. What if they would have to make the switch over to Miracle Whip!?
After some deep diving, we learned that said page was actually from Hellmann's in South Africa. According to CapetownEtc.com, we learned that yes, Hellmann's will be discontinued...in South Africa. They write:
Due to low consumer demand and high inflationary importing costs, Unilever has confirmed that Hellmann’s will be discontinued in South Africa until further notice.
Will Hellmann's Mayo be Discontinued in the US?
It looks like Hellmann's is safe in the U.S.
Official Statement from Hellmann's Representative
We searched Hellmann's parent company, Unilever, website and there is no word about Hellmann's being discontinued in the US. We also reached out for comment to Hellmann's representative Tara Loveland who wrote back and told us:
There’s no change to Hellmann’s mayo in the U.S. and Canada. The news about discontinuation applies only to the South Africa market.
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