10 Hudson Valley Ice Cream Shops Biden Might Visit
President Joe Biden has a sweet tooth and he loves his ice cream. He's going to be in the Hudson Valley tomorrow and there are several places he could be visiting for a scoop.
President Joe Biden will be in Poughkeepsie tomorrow visiting the IBM Campus around noon. The news broke yesterday afternoon that he will be there to discuss job and micro chip creation in America. Biden will then attend Democrat fundraising events in New Jersey. He's been known to make random stops for ice cream while he's in town.
It's no secret that he loves his ice cream. Could he make an impromptu stop at a local ice cream shop while he's visiting Poughkeepsie, New York tomorrow after his meeting? I wouldn't be surprised.
Here are 10 Hudson Valley ice cream shops that the POTUS could be spotted at. If you see him be sure to let me know if I was right.
10 HV Ice Cream Shops Biden Could Be Visiting