Every year right before Halloween, the types of candy available to Trick-or-Treaters becomes more and more abundant and varied. This year, judging by the candy aisle at the grocery store, is no different. So, when I was reading a survey of what the 'favorite Halloween candy is in New York'. I was a it shocked by the results.

I will tell you what it is in a minute, but first I feel obligated to tell you the results of the WRRV offices Halloween Candy poll. Yes, totally unofficial and probably with a sample of only 10 people, but alas people, it is what I have to work with.

The following is what the favorite Halloween Candy is at WRRV Studios.

  1. The be all end all #1 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
  2. Red Twizzlers
  3. Kit Kat Bars
  4. Twix
  5. Butterfinger
  6. Starburst

Please, look at the above list and notice that you are not seeing the, allegedly voted #1 Halloween candy for New York. What is it? Sweetarts. Yes. Sweetarts. YUCK!!! Who likes Sweetarts? Aren't they the booby prize of Halloween candy? Wait. There is one worse than that. The candy that comes in the orange or black wrappers and is a hard mass of something that you are supposed to chew on that vaguely tastes like peanut butter.

What is your favorite Halloween candy? What is your least favorite?