Nerd Alert: Hudson Valley Soccer Mom In The Making
So my daughter will be starting soccer next weekend --- until now we've been doing some dance and music oriented weekly classes, but this will be our first go with team sports. Little cleats, orange slices, personalized water bottles, the whole 9... I'm excited to see a bunch of little 3 and 4 year olds crowding a ball and running around in circles with not a clue what they should be doing, and at the same time trying to come up with a game plan to enjoy the games in style.
Enter the HEATED folding chair.
We have a few of those super uncomfortable camping/sports chairs in our garage that have definitely seen better days - you know those ones that get wet and gross, you set them up and then say a little prayer you don't flip backwards or the thing doesn't collapse. Well here comes the game changer, literally, check out this description from the Scary Mommy article:
It comes with three temperature settings so you can adjust the booty warmth based on your level of chilliness and it’s element resistant. Also, the chair comes complete with an easy push button control and has a USB port so you can charge your phone.
It also comes with 2 cup holders (they are marketing those to hold coffee, wink), includes rechargeable battery and charger, and a fancy carrying case too.
What do you think, Hudson Valley, is this too much, or is it a new approach to enjoying a game in style for parents?