New Hudson Valley Flea Market Announces 2021 Season
I’ve been keeping a close eye on the area flea markets, and even though I kept checking back with the Patterson Old Tyme Flea Market, there was never any information available. Well, I’m happy to tell you that I’ve learned that there will be a new flea market in Patterson for the 2021 season.
The Patterson Rotary will now be running a flea market every Sunday from 8AM - 3:30PM on the existing flea market site of the Patterson Old Tyme Flea Market at 3163 Route 22. They are still looking for vendors, food trucks, and the community to help with this endeavor. They could use not only vendors, but also volunteers. And, of course, shoppers.
I’ve been to the Patterson Flea Market a few times over the years, and it’s a pretty good one. I believe that I came home with a good deal just about every time I shopped there. And it’s not too far, especially from Dutchess County. It’s worth the drive, and let’s face it, a drive during this time of the year in the Hudson Valley is a beautiful thing.
Now you can add Patterson Rotary to your list of fun flea markets in the Hudson Valley. There is also the Stormville Flea Market, the Beacon Flea Market, the Middletown Indoor Flea Market, and if you feel like venturing into Connecticut, the Elephant’s Trunk. That’s a pretty good list, and it covers a big part of the Hudson Valley. If you’re into flea markets, 2021 is a good year for them. Enjoy.
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