Weird “Illegal” Note Left On Car Divides The Hudson Valley
It's official: comments that used to live on Facebook have come to real-life, and so has the drama. A lengthy note recently left on one New Paltz resident's car has sparked a massive debate as to who exactly is in the wrong.
Strange Note in New Paltz, NY
"Why do people have to be weird?", asked the person who shared a photograph of the paragraph-long complaint that was left on a car window. The note (above) complained that the driver of the vehicle parked the wrong way on a one way street, and included the very confrontational observation that "we drive on the right side of the road in this country". The town was divided: who is in the wrong, the parker, or the note-writer?
New Paltz, NY Reacts to Note
"Some people need to mind their own business", said one New Paltz man. "It should be illegal to mix upper and lowercase letters like that", joked another. While many other comments echoed the sentiment that "some people need to mind their own business", not everybody was so certain.
Support for Note in New Paltz, NY
"I'm failing to see what's weird about this. They're correct", said one woman (not named Karen, surprisingly). "A friendly reminder to help you avoid a ticket is better than a ticket would be my thinking", observed another. Still others had trouble choosing sides, saying, "not sure who the bigger Karen is, you for posting or them for writing the note", observed another."

More sleuths reported similar notes in the parking lot of the same apartment complex, leading some to believe it was simply left by a resident with too much time on their hands (and patronizes a certain bank, according to the stationary they used). "M&T Bank being an innocent 3rd party… nonetheless, always “understanding what’s important”', joked a keen-eyed observer who spotted the ironic slogan on the paper.
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