I think this one can be categorized as another 'I must be getting old' moment, but it's been on my mind a lot lately after some repeat experiences the past few weekends.

I guess this is how the story goes; as we get older there are certain things that become part of our regular routine, habits if you will. Maybe they were passed down from parents, family members of friends, or maybe it's just something that kind of happens over time.

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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Do You Have A Set Grocery Shopping Time?

A few weeks back, we found out that one of our favorite grocery stores was dethroned as best rated/ranked in the US. Though it has absolutely no impact on our ability to shop there, or how we personally feel about the store, it got people all worked up.

This leads me to my next point: why are we so passionate about grocery shopping, or get so heated about their preferred grocery shopping experience.

abstract blur organic fresh fruits and vegetable on grocery shelves in supermarket store defocused bokeh light background

I found myself grocery shopping right around the same time the past three weeks. Now, I usually get this errand done on Sundays, but rarely at the same time each week, because....life. Walking into the store though these past 3 times, I noticed familiar faces in the among the staff, but also the shoppers. In fact, it felt like an informal neighborhood meeting, as I ended up bumping into multiple people that live on my road, all three weeks in a row.

Is there an assigned time for our street in Wappingers to shop at this particular store on Sundays that I wasn't aware of?

Abstract blurred photo of store with trolley in department store bokeh background

Why Are We So Passionate About Grocery Shopping?

In addition to the informal neighborhood gathering, two out of the three times I shopped the past few weeks, I also found myself in line with people who are very particular about their shopping experience.


One person asked to go ahead of me in line at the deli counter because they 'preferred that person to cut their cheese and meat,' and a second waited in an insanely long line just to go to their favorite cashier....

Me? I could care less who, where, and when, just get me in and out of the store in the shortest amount of time possible.

Are these characteristics of us Hudson Valley'ers, New Yorkers, or is this just another sign of old age....

Now Costco shopping, that's a whole different beast to tackle, right?

The Insider's Guide to Costco Shopping: 15 Things You Should Know

Learn about the 15 insider tips Costco uses to woo customers.

Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

11 Tips & Tricks When Shopping at Aldi

According to cheapism.com, these are the best tips & tricks when shopping at Aldi.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews