Officials are reminding people that unauthorized swimming after hours is not allowed and it affects the community.

The weather has been pretty warm lately and I am all for it. The hotter the better is my motto and for the past few days everyone in the Hudson Valley has been trying to enjoy it and stay cool.

Sadly, some people have not made the best choices when it comes to staying cool and don't get the seriousness of their actions.

What is Red Hook Pool?

It might sound pretty obvious, but for those who don't know Red Hook Pool is a private, non-profit pool facility that serves members of the community. Red Hook Pool also hosts events and it's a great place to have some fun on a summer day.

What incident recently happened at Red Hook Pool?

attachment-red hook

According to officials, the Red Hook Pool was broken into a few nights ago. It's just takes one person to ruin the fun. Officials did say that the security footage showing the trespassers has been handed over to the police and they will be pressing charges. Sad.

Why is this incident a big deal for Red Hook Pool?

It might sound harmless like someone just trying to take a swim, but it's much more serious. Officials mentioned that unauthorized swimming after hours affects the community, which includes liability insurance. Having any issue with the liability insurance can potentially increase rates for everyone. Not good at all.

Red Hook Pool did thank everyone for their cooperation and understanding. We'll keep you posted on more details as they become available and hope nobody else does this in the future.

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