‘Rick And Morty’ is Coming to The Hudson Valley This Week
Wubba-lubba-dub-dub! Good news, local Rick and Morty fans. We may still have to wait to find out when the long-awaited third season of the show will finally premiere, but in the meantime, Adult Swim is bringing the show to the Hudson Valley.
The Rickmobile, a big car that looks like the always-drunk, timeline-jumping Rick, is driving around the country with loads of Rick and Morty merchandise along with it. It's all part of the "Don't Even Trip" Road Trip Across America 2017 to help promote the new season. And it's stopping by the Alamo Drafthouse movie theater in Yonkers this Friday, May 19th, from 6 to 9 PM.
This looks like a must for any fan of the popular animated show. They went all out with this thing, with Rick and Morty t-shirts, toy cars and spaceships, action figures, and even stuff based on minor characters like Mr. Meeseeks and Squanchy.
You can check out everything the Rickmobile has on board and find out where else it's going to be stopping right here.