Savory Summer Corn Recipes for Ulster County’s Fresh Sweet Corn
Farm fresh summer corn in July is one of those treats we get because we live in the Hudson Valley. This week two of Ulster County's favorite farm markets announced that their corn crop is ready.
Wallkill View Farm Market and Dressel Farms in New Paltz both posted yesterday on Facebook pages that their corn crop is in a ready for your favorite summer corn recipe. I can tell you from personal taste tests that both places have the most amazing fresh corn. Don't even think about getting corn at the grocery until this harvest runs out.
Corn on the cob is one of those summer treats that I have loved since I was a child. The best way to cook it if you can, is in the husk on the grill. I just cut off the tips of the ear at the top. Run it under a bit of cold water and stick it on the grill for about 30 minutes.
Recipes You Want to Try
The Food Network - Perfectly Grilled Corn on the Cobb with Bobby Flay
Viral TIKTOK Corn Ribs in a Air Fryer with Easy Peasy Pan
Mexican Style Street Corn courtesy of Tasty
If you can't make it over to New Paltz to get some of this delicious fresh corn straight from the field then make sure you get to a local Farmer's Market. The corn you will find there will be perfect for these summer recipes too. Don't let Hudson Valley summer corn season pas you by. We don't want you to have to wait until 2022 to enjoy fresh corn from our local farms.
When you are picking up your corn be sure to pick up some of these farm fresh fruits for your sangria or margaritas.
How to Use Fruits in Sangria and Other Fruity Drinks
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