5 of the Strangest Animals That Live in New York
With more of half of the state covered in forests and nearly 8,000 lakes and ponds, New York is a haven for creatures both big and small.
While some animals like bears, coyotes, and even moose might steal the spotlight, there are some smaller, lesser-know critters that are not only interesting, but incredibly strange for their own unique reasons.
"Exotic" Animals Living in New York State
Some animals, which are already unique, can surprise local residents even further when they find out that they actually live in the state. For instance, did you know that seahorses can be found in the Hudson River?
Skilletfish Living in New York State
While seahorses might be one of the most famous animals to call New York home, another strange critter also lives in the Hudson River: the skilletfish (below). Researches shared that these little blobs are a great indicator of improving water quality. But what about non-aquatic weirdos?
Jumping Spiders Living in New York State
While arachnophobes should probably stop scrolling, other new Yorkers might be surprised to learn about a tiny but mighty creature: the jumping spider (below). These amazing arachnids have amazing eyesight and can leap incredible distances... pretty impressive for something roughly the size of a dime.
Honorable Mentions
While not necessarily strange, many New Yorkers may be surprised to learn that mink call the Empire State home (and you can hunt them). Possibly the most unique animal of all, however, is the American woodcock. This bird is as cute as it is hilarious when it takes one of its trademark walks (below).
Bear on Campus at SUNY New Paltz NY
Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn