The holidays are filled with strange traditions. I'm almost 30 years old and my mother still wants me to come home and put ornaments on the tree. Every year we need to put fake birds on the tree. Apparently, it supposed to reflect happiness and joy. Of course like most families we have our glass balls that my brother and I made 20 years in elementary school make an appearance.
Could this abandoned school in the Hudson Valley be the next location for ghost hunters? What's the story behind this place and does it have a story to match it's menacing exterior?
Maybe I shouldn't have tried to bring the scary clown phenomena back this year. Maybe I got what I deserved.
When I'm at work and I see a clown mask and a floating red balloon I feel like I can't help myself. I need to do some sort of 'IT' prank. If you know me you know that I love all things that are a bit frightening. Who doesn't have a safe curiosity with the Macabre?
It's July and you know what that means. It's time for a ton of garage sales. Can you help identify this creepy doll that I purchased at a nearby garage sale?
Lionel Richie's "Hello" has always had a vibe that's weird and desperate at best and creepy and sinister at worst. This video makes it all too clear.