I have never made a transaction on Craigslist before. But that doesn't stop me from sifting through the world's most popular garage sale. Sometimes I come across posts that creep me out.

This was found in the Free section. It's just someone simply giving away a swing set and basketball hoop. Most people feel it's easier to give something away before taking the necessary steps toward throwing out the stuff they don't want anymore. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but something about these photos just don't sit well with me.

Cragslist Sept2

My first question was "why don't they want these anymore?" I can go into more detail about how upsetting these photos are but I'd rather not lead you deeper into the crazy circus I call my brain.

If you are interested in these free items they can be found on Hudson Valley Craigslist. I'll continue to look for more interesting internet items and blog about them for your research and development.