The Real Reason You’re Not Walking Over the Hudson
I recently overheard that the attendance at the walkway was down. Without even investigating I already know why.
Why aren't people walking on the bridge beside the obvious reason like it being cold outside? The Walkway over the Hudson is a pretty cool thing to see the first time you go. Heck, it's enjoyable the second time too. By the third time, you're just flat out bored. Not to sound cynical but let's just take a closer look at what the bridge really is. It's just a recycled train track over a polluted river.
Am I wrong?
The reason people don't frequent the bridge is because we're just fat. and lazy. I hate to be the one to drop that bombshell. Hey, this is America and it's okay to be fat and lazy.
Who the hell wants to exercise?
If we do, it's not going to be on some tired old bridge. It's going to be at the gym in order to justify the membership we foolishly purchased back in January.