Looking for a job, but don't know exactly where to start looking? Here are the top 4 companies who are hiring in the Hudson Valley. For the purpose of this article, the Hudson Valley includes the following counties: Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, Putnam, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester.

The following 4 companies are the ones with the most open job positions available according to the New York State Department of Labor jobs boards as of 11/22/17.

  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 318 jobs available
  • Northwell Health 226 jobs available
  • Birnie Bus Service, Inc. 200 jobs available
  • Home Depot 178 jobs available

The top career fields that currently have open positions, according to the NYSDL job express board for the Hudson Valley:

  • Sales
  • Transportation
  • Office and Clerical
  • Health Practitioner

If you are looking for a job and possibly another website to start looking for jobs, you might want to check out the New York State Department of Labor Job Express listings. When you are there, you can search by company or by job field. Good Luck.