Is there anything worse than an underwhelming experience after you expected something amazing? All the buildup and hype, and then after it's over all you're thinking is, "that's it?" But enough about my prom night.

Worst Tourist Attractions in the World

New research has just been released ranking the most overpriced, over-hyped, and overall bad deals when it comes to major international tourist attractions. They used a formula comparing the cost of admission to the amount of negative reviews that were left and then ranked the 30 worst offenders in the entire world. Spoiler alert: New York State made up 10% percent of the list. Three attractions were in the top (or let's face it, bottom) six attractions on the planet, including the number one worst attraction as far as value for money is concerned. But are these rankings fair? Let's break down the New York offenders.

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6. FAIR: The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City

MoMa "beat out" attractions like the Palace of Versailles and Edinburgh Castle to be the sixth-worst valued tourist attraction in the world. Admission cost to the museum is cited as $25, with 4.7% of their reviews being highly negative. At first I didn't buy it. I mean, who's leaving the reviews? Yes, $25 is pretty steep for an entry fee, but the museum is pretty upfront with what you'll get: a chance to view premiere modern art. Then I checked out some of the reviews. While some mentioned that it wasn't "worth" looking at art from painters that weren't Van Gogh, many also mentioned rude staff. Said one review:

I still can’t get over how trash this museum was. For like $25 as well!! It’s been 3 months and I still think about it. Super rude staff workers and uninspiring pieces of art. Literally only go if you absolutely have to see starry night. Honestly, when compared to actual modern art museum such as the Tate in London you can see why the MoMA is garbage.

People asserting what makes "good" modern art? Unfair. People giving actual reasons why the museum may be bad? Fair in my book.

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2. FAIR: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City

The Guggenheim was tied for second place along with Stonehenge and Buckingham Palace, two attractions I'll admit I'd much rather visit. Incredibly, over 18% of the museums reviews were negative. A common theme were complaints about limited exhibits at the museum:

Tremendous waste of $18 and time. There were only three “art” exhibitions open, and everything else was either empty or fenced off...Do not waste your money or time at the Guggenheim, go to the MET or Jewish Museum down the street instead.

By the way, the price has increased since that reviewer visited from $18 to $25.

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1. FAIR: Empire State Building, New York City

This one seems to be the fairest ranking of all just by looking a the ticket price. It costs a whopping $44 to go up to the observation deck, and as researchers pointed out, "that’s just to the main deck, not the very top". Let's not forget, there many taller New York buildings you can summit too. Plus, for $44, King Kong better be there giving out back rubs

So those are some lame attractions (and no surprise the worst-valued were all in New York City). Now let's check out some actually cool (and some ridiculous) attractions below, from roadside visits to the best wineries and breweries in the Hudson Valley.

13 Weird Roadside Attractions You Can Visit in New York

You never know what you'll see alongside the roads in New York.

25 Wineries and Breweries to Visit in the Hudson Valley

The Hudson Valley is known for its amazing wineries and breweries. Here is a list of 25 worth checking out!