Would You Smoke Weed if Marijuana Was Legalized?
As you know, the use of marijuana is still generally illegal. Federally speaking, it's still against the law to use, possess, sell, grow, and transport weed. As you also probably know, over the past few years, the laws on a state level have been going through a serious period of transition.
Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington all allow for both medicinal and recreational use, with other states having wildly varying laws about medicinal-only use and possession. If you're curious about any of those, here's a website with some fancy graphs to help figure it all out.
All that being said, is this something you feel strongly about, and would changing legislation make you more likely to participate in the consumption of marijuana? Wow, the way I worded that last sentence really made me seem like a congressman or a narcotics officer or something.
Anyway, what do you think?