7 Things Around the House to Use as Weights
Now that you can't go to the gym, you're probably looking for a way to get in your daily exercise.
I'm a gym rat. I miss the gym. I feel super weird not moving as much as I used to before social distancing and isolation became reality. So for me, I'm looking for ways to get my pump in without going to the gym. Of course, I could buy weights, but that costs money. A lot of people have unfortunately lost their jobs so they're looking for any way they can to cut back. I've come up with a list of seven different household items to use as weights:
1. Backpack with books
Steve at Dutchess Crossfit actually gave us this tip. But filling up your backpack or your kid's backpack with some books is a great way to get some weight to use. Maybe even go for a run with a backpack on?
2. Gallon of milk or water
Once again, this tip is thanks to Steve from Dutchess Crossfit. He said a gallon of milk weighs about eight pounds.
3. Laundry detergent
I thought of this because this typically weighs even more than a gallon of milk or water. Plus, it has a nice big handle making it easy to hold.
4. Bag of rice
I'm not talking a single-serving bag of rice, I'm talking one of those bulk bags of rice. You know, the ones you always have to hit at the grocery store for no reason.
5. Fill up reusable water bottles
Have a Swell bottle or maybe a Yeti? Fill that puppy up with some water and you have a nice small hand weight to use.
6. Paint Cans
This is another item that has a great handle and a lot of weight. You probably forgot about those paint cans in the basement or shed. Go get them and start lifting
7. Bags of produce
A bag of potatoes? Five pounds. Bag of onions? Who knows. Bag of apples? Endless possibilities.
Have fun getting #swole.
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