9/11 Commemorative License Plate Becoming Reality? Update
Here is a follow-up on a story we shared with you, in June of 2014. Here is the original story:
Earlier this year, 2018, I was wondering what the status of this bill was and if these license plates were was now available through the NYS DMV. I was not sure if it had finally passed all the Not seeing it on the website as an option, I emailed the DMV to ask if they had more information. Here is the email response that I received:
Thank you for your interest in the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Custom License Plate Program and the creation of a 9/11 custom license plate. We have received multiple inquiries regarding the creation of such plate but no organization has followed through on the development of a 9/11 plate. As you may already know, the NYS DMV had a moratorium on the production of any new custom plate series for several years due to pending litigation. Recently, the litigation was settled when the court ruled that the Department has broad discretion to decide which plates to allow and therefore the moratorium has been lifted.
DMV has since issued new regulations regarding the development of new custom plate series. Information on how to request the development of a new custom plate can be found on our website at https://dmv.ny.gov/forms/mv415.pdf. This link includes detailed materials regarding the custom plate development program, including an information packet and a link to the fill-in form that you can use to electronically request the development of a new custom license plate.
Do you want there to be a commemorative 9/11 New York State License Plate?
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