The comedian is very loyal to his Hudson Valley fan base. He mentions his upcoming trip to Poughkeepsie in a fantastic interview about his big comeback.

Over the past few years, Artie Lange has been battling all kinds of demons from an addiction to gambling, drugs, alcohol and even chaos. Those issues are difficult to battle by oneself let alone with the entire world watching. Just about one year ago, Artie Lange performed at the Laugh it up! Comedy Club in Poughkeepsie. He crushed it. He was absolutely hysterical but you could tell he was a man that was going through some struggles.

For a short time things seemed pretty bleak for the comedian.

In recent months it was reported that Artie had made quite the transformation in the last nine months. He states he's both sober and working continuously.

Fast forward a year later and he was back at Laugh It Up! Comedy Club and he was better than ever

You know you're excited to come back the Hudson Valley when you shout out Poughkeesie on one of the biggest podcasts on the internet. Check out Artie Lange and Joe Rogan go back and forth about Poughkeepsie's comedy scene at about 12:47.

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