Hudson Valley dog owners should be on alert after word that a recent outbreak of canine influenza in Brooklyn could be on its way to the area. The Gothamist just did a piece on the outbreak and according to veterinarian Dr. Natara Loose, canine flu can be fatal in up to 10% of dogs.

Dogs are encouraged to get the flu shot and while it doesn't guarantee the animal won't get it, it does lessen the symptoms. The animal can be contagious for up to 30 days after getting the flu. Dog owners should be on the lookout for:

  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • nasal discharge
  • loss of appetite

Hudson Valley One reports concerns of it spreading to the Hudson Valley grew after several dogs in Kingston were reportedly showing symptoms. Call your vet immediately if you suspect your dog has the flu.

Dr. Loose confirmed 5 more cases and that someone with 2 sick dogs is now in Kingston NY, meaning the virus could spread to Kingston

— Andres OHara (@Andresputnik) May 16, 2018

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Bonus Video: WRRV Morning Grind