Cash Reward Being Offered For Misplaced Guitar
A Dutchess County resident loaned his favorite acoustic guitar to his father who started taking lessons a few months back. Pretty cool that a parent would take up interest in their child's hobby. Do to the common human problem known as miscommunication the father thought the guitar was his and ended up trading it in for a used electric guitar. It's understandable that once a person gets the hang of acoustically performing, exploring the capabilities of an electric axe are all too tempting.
Unfortunately, this acoustic guitar is very dear to the original owner who had the guitar for over 20 years. They are offering a cash reward to get it back. The guitar is featured in the photo above and is a 3/4 Body Tacoma with a natural finish and black case.
It was traded into Jimi Heslin's Axe Shop located at 268 New Hackensack Road in Wappingers Falls, NY. The owner is offering a $100 reward for just finding the person who bought it from Jimi Heslin's Axe Shop in December 2017.
If you or someone you know has any information as to the whereabouts of this guitar you can contact Danielle Perry through her Facebook page.