‘Child With Autism’ Signs Approved in New York State
Signs alerting drivers of area autistic children have been approved by the New York State and could soon come to the Hudson Valley.
WGRZ reports that signs that say "child with autism" have been officially approved by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYDOT). Before this approval, families were able to fight to get one put up near their residence. However, the signs were not officially approved by New York State.
If you come across one of these signs, WGRZ reports that motorists should be especially alert for a child with autism that is prone to running into the road. Basically, be extra careful when you come across one of these signs as a child could run into the street.
I'm not about to get political here, but it is refreshing when we hear common sense laws being passed. There's no partisan effort here, just an effort to keep families and motorists safe.