You may be surprised on what made a huge factor in this decision. I'm a pretty sweaty guy so I'm sure that all I do is add to this statistic.

It may be hard to believe but we're already in the middle of July. The war against the heat still continues in many households.

I think a congratulations is in order because New York City brought home the gold. I'm sure you were sweating bullets to know this. It's pretty impressive that we beat out New Orleans, Tampa and Mimi. You know, the states people go to because it's hot.

Honeywell Fans recently completed their annual survey to find the sweatiest places in the country. It's hot all over so straight up temperatures were not the only deciding factor. New York City has the most buildings without air conditioner. No air conditioning combined with 90 degree temperatures is bound to make any place an instant sauna.

Heat Wave Grips New York
Getty Images

If the reason we won is because we won't buy air conditioning units then maybe we'll be on the "cheapest states" list next.

Here are the 10 sweatiest Cities in America.

  1. New York.
  2. D.C.
  3. Chicago.
  4. Miami.
  5. Boston.
  6. Philadelphia.
  7. Atlanta.
  8. Tampa.
  9. Houston.
  10. New Orleans.