Ahead of Back to School, Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office Shares School Safety Update
The days of summer are quickly passing, and many Hudson Valley families are preparing for back-to-school. Supply lists in hand as they cruise local stores for their school supply items, new clothes shopping, all while many parents like me are also thinking about what plans are in place for the upcoming year to keep our kids safe in school.
The last academic year had a lot of Hudson Valley parents concerned after a number of local threats in our districts and the surrounding ones hit way too close to home, and even forced school closures on several occasions, and arrests.
As we are just weeks away from the start of a new academic year, one county has shared some important information with regard to their approach to school safety.
Dutchess County Sheriff's Office Approach to School Safety
Kirk A. Imperati, the Dutchess County Sheriff, in a letter to school superintendents, principals, faculty, staff, and families, shared his thoughts on the upcoming school year, and all plans in place to make school safety a priority.
Some highlights include active shooter response refresher training for all Dutchess County officers, a review of incident command principles and critical incident response, school resource officer course training, and the hiring of additional resource officers and the expanded presence of these officers in schools. He also indicated that plans for September include active shooter and response training, as well as increased involvement by local municipalities on district and building school safety teams, representation from the Sheriff's Office on the Dutchess County School Safety Advisory Committee, public trainings, and increased law enforcement presence in district schools. The full letter from Sheriff Imerati that details in full, the plans for the upcoming school year, can be found here.
You can also take a look at the update that Wappingers Central School District provided back in June with regard to their plans for the upcoming year and an updated school safety plan.