Edie Brickell & New Bohemians Set For Poughkeepsie Gig
Neo-psychedelic icons Edie Brickell & New Bohemians will descend upon Poughkeepsie this fall when they play a gig at The Bardavon on Saturday, November 10th. They burst onto the scene in the late 80's with Shooting Rubberbands At Stars, an album that went on to sell more than two million copies and featured their biggest hit 'What I Am'.
They're follow up album came two years later but the band would not be heard from after that for more than 15 years. Fast forward to 2006 and the release of their 'Stranger Things' album predates the popular Netflix series so no there's no connection. From there, the band would go back into hibernation and it's now been a dozen years since we've heard any new material.
'Rocket' is the new album from Edie Brickell & New Bohemians and she says the band has 'a special relationship of youth. They're nice people, fun-loving and we have an ease and sense of humor we developed together'.
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