An enterprising young woman is Kickstarting her way to having a body covered in tattoos. Anything the internet wants. Seriously.

If you spend any amount of time on Kickstarter, you see some weird projects. Usually it's just someone's insane idea for a video game, or that guy who made tens of thousands of dollars when he requested $10 for some potato salad ingredients.

But this one takes crowd-sourcing into an even stranger and potentially horrifying space: for a very, very low fee ($10!), you can have your name permanently etched into a young lady's skin. For real:

I want to be a singular tattoo for my latest art exhibition, and I want it to be your names. This is going to be an art exhibition in LA featuring my body and your names. I think the tattoo on my forehead says it best 'Life is art'. There is something absurd & beautiful about having an accumulation of absolute strangers names draped over my pale goth skin, even if half of them are 'Penis Butt'. Why? you might ask, simply because I can, I know what I'm about son, and I am my own ultimate canvas. Like my art exhibitions and murals this is a social and artistic experiment! Each persons name to me represents YOU the main protagonist in your own story. I will be covered in a hundred tiny stories.

Yep, for the price of a combo meal and a milkshake at a fast food place, you can control this woman's skin. Here's the plan, per her Kickstarter:


Now, personally, I wouldn't give the Internet the freedom to name my pet goldfish. But if you've always been waiting for your opportunity to have something potentially offensive and childish tattooed on someone's body, go to town!