HELP WANTED: ‘Hotdogger’ Needed to Drive Weinermobile
Back in the fall Hudson Valley residents were excited to spot the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile cruising the various parts of the area. Well, now the iconic wagon is looking for a driver for a one year appointment - could this be your chance?
The iconic weinermobile has been cruising the streets for more than 80 years, making appearances at special events, and is seeking someone to coordinate the logistics of travel and promotions.
According to their official job posting, Oscar Mayer is looking for the following:
We need outgoing, creative, friendly, enthusiastic, graduating college seniors who have an appetite for adventure and are willing to see the country through the windshield of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. Applicants should have a BA or BS, preferably in public relations, journalism, communications, advertising, or marketing, though applicants are not limited to these degrees.
What exactly does a 'Hotdogger' do?
Represent Oscar Mayer as a brand ambassador through radio and television appearances, newspaper interviews, grocery retail and charity functions. To “meat” and greet people from coast to coast. To maintain company car (Oscar Mayer Wienermobile). To work with internal and external consumer promotions, marketing and sales professionals. To manage your own traveling public relations firm, organizing promotions, contributing to brand social content and pitching TV, radio and print media.
In addition to a competitive salary, benefits, team apparel, along with the interviews and public relations work, how many other people can put 'Hotdogger' - official Oscar Meyer Wienermobile driver on their resume?