There are many things that you can find on Craigslist. Some things that you have to pay for, others you can get at no cost.

One item that I came across this morning, was a horse. Yes, I was surprised to see a horse listed on Craigslist. So, then I asked a few horse owners about getting a horse this way. Turns out it is more common than you think for people to give horses away to a 'good home'. The cost of keeping a horse can reach large numbers financially and it is also a large investment time wise.

‎FREE companion horse
This mare has not been ridden in two years. Presently has a buck in her. About 15.1h, 8 years old. Turns out with others. Pleasant to work around. Quality enough to be a broodmare ..No auction/slaughter contract. Staatsburg, ny 12580

If you were thinking about getting a horse, what questions would you ask this owner?