July 20, 1999 a person went missing from Poughkeepsie NY. The person who vanished into thin air was a woman by the name of Katherina Richter.

Is there any one thing that stands out in particular about this woman? For a few minutes, you will get to be the SCI investigator. Richter is 40, she has been living with her boyfriend for 15 years and she is the managing partner of a store in the Galleria, Weymss Inc. From the outside, she appears to have the perfect life. Good career, a long term partner, etc. Does she have it all?

How or when did she go missing? Katherina was working at the store. Her replacement for the day, shows up at 3pm on that July 20. Katherina leaves the store, telling her co-worker that she is running errands and will be back in a little bit. Seems like a normal day?

It wasn't. Katherina was never seen again. What happened? Where did she go? Was she still alive? Fast forward to a story that the New York Post did on Sept 8, 1999. There is no sign of her, no sign of foul play and her credit cards, bank account and her passport have not been touched or used since her disappearance. Her business partner and boyfriend had been questioned by the police, even went through a polygraph and he had been determined to not have been involved in her disappearance, yet no body had been found, nor had there been any evidence to give insight into the actual events of her disappearance. The only 'clue,' her car was found in a NYC garage, where it was put into the garage at 4:30pm. Whomever was driving that car, went immediately from Poughkeepsie to NYC.

The police only found out about this, when the garage contacted the owner of the car when they wanted to the fees to be paid on the car or they were going to auction it. So this leads to more questions, the biggest one still being where is she and what has happened to her?

Next week. More information on the investigation of this case.