New Acting Ulster County Executive Named to Replace Pat Ryan, For Now
The announcement was made last week but has led to some confusion as to how long the new executive will be in office.
Former Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan has officially left his post overseeing everything Ulster County and his successor has been revealed.
Ryan, who was sworn into Congress on Tuesday and will take over the 19th Congressional District seat, resigned on September 9th, and according to the Ulster County Government website, his successor has officially been sworn in as the new acting Ulster County Executive.
Johanna Contreras
Contreras, who served as Deputy County Executive under Ryan, was personally selected by Ryan to succeed him. She was sworn into office on September 9th and had this to say about taking over for Ryan,
"It is a true honor and privilege to serve Ulster County residents as Acting County Executive".
Following Ryan's success in holding one of the most important offices in Ulster County, Contreras said, "I am committed to building upon the successes of County Executive Pat Ryan’s administration and continuing our work to support green growth and economic opportunity, provide financial relief to residents, and govern with transparency and fiscal responsibility. I have always centered on the values of equity and inclusion and will continue to do so as Acting Ulster County Executive. I am proud to lead our Ulster County team of professionals who do the work every day to earn the public trust and serve our residents."
When Will Ulster County Elect a New County Executive?
Contreras will hold the Executive position until November 8th when there will be a general election to fill the position. Many thought there would be a special election in December of this year, but according to the Daily Freeman, there will not be a special election.
Ulster County's administrative code requires the election to be held on the same day as the general election so the next Ulster County executive will be chosen on Election Day. Not having to hold a special election will save Ulster County taxpayers around $300,000.
Want to Be the Next Ulster County Executive?
If you or someone you know is interested in local politics and wants to run for Ulster County Executive, political parties have until September 19th to file nominating certificates picking the candidate they would like on ballots according to Ulster County Republican Elections Commissioner John Quigley.