Please Stop Fighting on ‘The Hudson Valley’ Facebook Group
Yep, adults are fighting about posts on a Facebook group meant to celebrate the Hudson Valley.
I find myself in the middle of Facebook group drama constantly for some reason. I'm never involved in it, but I am always following it. So when I wake up this morning I see there is a post on the group "The Hudson Valley" complaining about another member...for complaining about them.
Here's the reader's digest version: member A posted a video of a music performance on the group "The Hudson Valley". Member B commented saying that it was an ad and it had to be removed. They both began arguing, via Facebook comments, about if it was an ad or not and what the page was for. Member A created a new post bashing member B, and then member B created a new post bashing member A.
This is literally one of the dumbest things I have ever seen on a Facebook group. And I'm part of about 6 Facebook groups so that's saying something. I joined this group to talk about and appreciate the Hudson Valley, not so you can have Facebook fight club. If you don't think someone's content follows the guidelines of the group, then report it and move on. But making posts that bash each other? Grow up and get over it.