See Ya, 2019
While i'm not going to get into the whole debate of whether or not the new decade begins tonight at midnight, I am going to say that I am SO ready for a fresh start as we ring in 2020. January 1st 2020 is pretty monumental for me, as it marks 15 years ago that I began working at WRRV. Though I did take a hiatus for a number of years in there, it's crazy to think it has been 15 years since I hopped on the WRRV microphone for the 1st time.
2019 had some pretty awesome moments for me personally...so i'll start with that.
- I went to a TON of shows - in no particular order, Shinedown, Dave Matthews Band, Bush/Live/Our Lady Peace, Ringo Starr, New Kids on The Block, Incubus, Almost Queen, just to name a few.
- Caught Waitress on Broadway and got the chance to meet my childhood crush, hellloooo Joey McIntyre....
- We got tons of amazing new music from some of our favorite WRRV artists (Billie Eilish, Coldplay, Lana Del Rey top my list)
- Had the chance to see George Lopez at UPAC, and meet him after the show!
At the same time 2019 brought some pretty difficult hurdles to manage, and i'd prefer not to relive them so we'll just leave it at that.
I'm not your average 'here are my resolutions for the new year' kind of girl, but like to set some goals that I'd be excited about achieving, so here's what i've got on deck for 2020:
- More concerts! I want to cross so many more artists off my must-see-live list.
- Chill out! Sometimes (ok, all the time) I stress myself out over nonsense that isn't even worth my time, less worrying, more focus on the here and now.
- Along the same lines - do more stuff for me! Worry less about what others will think, and just do things for me :) Self care is important!
- Do some cool things with my daughter. At a little over 4 she's understanding so much more and really showing her personality and interests, this will be the year of some great adventures for us.
So, here's to fresh starts in the new year (or decade), and to plenty of rockin' good times too! Cheers to 2020!