Stop Pretending Like You’re Going To Quit Social Media
Does social media stress us out? When you're privy to thousands of news stories at your fingertips, of course you won't be surrounded by good news all the time.
Stop acting like you're going to quit using Facebook and other social media platforms. We know you'll be back. Nothing gets under my skin more than these noble social media warriors who claim that defriending Tom is the key to happiness.
Nothing gets under my skin more than these noble social media warriors who claim that defriending Tom is the key to happiness.
It seems like every couple of months I run into someone who says that they're going to delete their Facebook account or abstain from social media all together. These people annoy the hell out of me because 9 times out of ten it's fake or just a lie. Even if you do quit social media, will it really make you happy?
According to an article in The Daily Dot, they say that completely removing yourself from social media could make you feel less stressed. How miserable is your life if using Facebook is making you upset? If logging on to Instagram account can set you off then I think you're just doing life wrong. It may be time to purge some of those negative people from your friends list.
You can say that you're going to detox from the internet all you want but good luck with actually following through.
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