The HV Toilet Paper Shortage is Very Real
I saw the memes. I laughed. Then I got to the store and realized it wasn't a joke.
It's not a good time to do any kind of grocery shopping in the Hudson Valley. For the past week all anyone has been talking about is the Coronavirus. Of course, we should all be taking extra precautions but can we avoid mass hysteria in the process?
If you've been on social media in the last few days you've more than likely seen people posting jokes about how hard it has been to get toilet paper. I thought it was a joke until I stopped by the local Walmart. I thought there were a few people who were hoarding it but unfortunately, I was terribly wrong.
The entire shelf wasn't just empty. The entire aisle was empty. It seemed unreal and I've honestly never seen anything like it before.
Many aisles were completely ravaged. Canned goods, soaps, disinfectant spray, and latex gloves were all plundered as well.
If you do need some groceries or toiletries don't hesitate to get them. The Hudson Valley is snatching things up quickly.
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