Things for a Yankee Fan to Do in the off Season
So Yankee season is now over. You probably aren't thinking about the Astros & the Dodgers in the World Series, unless you are a Astros or Dodgers fan, and you are wondering what you are going to do until pitchers and catchers report next spring. What are you going to do until March 29, 2018 when the Yankees start the season at Toronto versus the Blue Jays at 3:37pm (no, I am not keeping track!).
There is no doubt that Yankee fans are also some of the most knowledgeable fans in baseball. Maybe spend some time in the off season, brushing up on your reading?
Here are a few books for you to check out, as a Yankee fan of course:
- Read, 'The Captain, The Journey of Derek Jeter' by Ian O'Connor
- Read, 'Pinstripe Empire, The New York Yankees from Before the Babe to After The Boss' by Marty Appel.
- Read, 'Bleeding Pinstripes: A Season with the Bleacher Creatures of Yankee Stadium', by Filip Bondy
- Read, 'The Yankee Years', by Joe Torre and Tom Verducci
- Start you letter writing campaign to get Derek Jeter inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame early.
How do you plan to spend your off season?