Tough Mudder has earned a reputation across the country for throwing challenging but well put together obstacle course races. In the summer of 2018, you won't have to travel very far as they're staging a big event in the Hudson Valley.

On the weekend of August 18th and 19th 2018, Winston Farm in Saugerties will host a 5 mile obstacle course that will feature 13 different obstacles. Woodstock '94 and The Hudson Project were both held there and dealt with entirely different issues with mud. When it comes to Tough Mudder, getting dirty is part of the deal.

If you've got kids and want to get them involved, good news. They offer a one mile course for boys and girls aged 7-12 years old. There are also family options if that sounds like something you'd be interested in.

Tickets are on sale now and start at $60 and go all the way up to $75. Or you can choose to support Tough Mudder from a charity perspective and run for free!