Who’s Missing Their Meat in Poughkeepsie?
If you're missing your meat we may have found it.
There isn't a Stop & Shop near The Derby for miles. How did it get there?
It's not every day that you see fresh packaged meat left in the parking lot. Someone in the Hudson Valley's dinner was a little lighter and hopefully, we can find them and return their breasts.
While parking off Main Street in Poughkeepsie in between The Derby and Schatzi's I came across a few packages of chicken that were just left in the parking lot. I'm no detective but I'd imagine anyone that buys store brand chicken is looking to save a dime that's why this whole situation has got me scratching my head. I would really like to get this value pack to its owner or at the very least to someone who needs it.
What situation would ever require you to put your meat on the ground? Also, there isn't a Stop & Shop near The Derby for miles. How did it get there?
Did you lose your meat?