I dead a** love you, bro!

Today is Valentine's Day and if true love can't prevail today then can it ever? You can call me a hopeless romantic because maybe I have seen to many romantic comedies. When someone is at shouting and declaring their love for someone while standing outside of their house or apartment there is always supposed to be a happy ending. I can't help but think about that icon scene from Say Anything where John Cusack stands outside the bedroom of his crush blaring Peter Gabriel from the stereo he is holding. Would something like that ever work in real life? Those are movies. I guess reality is way different.

A video of a woman screaming and professing her love towards her significant other is getting viral attention.

Love is in the air and apparently so is this crazy person voice as her true feelings echo throughout the entire neighborhood. The video is being called a true New York love story. In just a few hours the video has been viewed almost 50,000 times.

She might not be reciting Shakespeare but she sounds sincere.

I think the real heroes this story are the neighbors who didn't dump water on her. does that happen or is that something from movies too? Maybe I saw it in a cartoon. I do hope that this fairy tale does get a happy ending one day.

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