Does New York Have the Worst Road Rage in the Country?
Our grade was an F. I thought it was a matter of opinion but I guess it's a fact. New York is home to the meanest drivers in the country.
Anger, short tempers behind the wheel of a two ton car is never a good formula. Road rage is a very real thing. With everyone having a video camera in their hands at any given moment, road rage has become more and more evident.
How bad does New York rank with road rage incidents compared to other states?
According to Kars 4 Kids, drivers habits were surveyed throughout the country. Things like not using signals, speeding, tailgating and other aggressive behaviors were all tracked. New York scored that absolute worst.
I totally believe it. This morning, while driving into work I was behind someone and their brake lights were out. I pulled over next to them to let them know they had an issue. Instead thanking me they cursed at me.
Do you think New York drivers are insane?
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