Apps That Can Earn You Cash Money For Holidays
Halloween is in the rear window and we are starting to stare down Christmas shopping and gift giving. Are you faced with the "I could really use some extra cash" dilemma?
Have you used one of these apps to sell things around the house and made some extra money? What do you think of them? Do they work or are they a waste of time?
Apps that supposedly can help you clear things out of the house and help you make some extra cash that could help you with your holiday shopping:
- DeClutter, You can clean out books, dvd's and cd's that are laying around.
- BookScouter Another site that you can scan your bar codes, see who is looking your book and select which person you want to sell it too.
- Letgo A website that is laid out like pintrest, buy works like a non-auction eBay, you can sell just about anything on it.
- Poshmark Have brand name clothing that you just don't want or need anymore? This app specializes in clothing and accessories. They take a flat fee for transactions under $15 and then 20% on transactions over $15. Might be worth it to gain the space in your closet and the money in your wallet.
- Mercaric another app that is similar to a virtual garage sale. It lets you sell items in your home or items that you make.
Let us know if you have used any of the above and if you would recommend them or caution us against them.
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