Free Repair Cafe This Weekend in LaGrangeville
If you're anything like me, adulting is HARD WORK. I've been a homeowner for nearly 5 years and still can't fix things around my own house without supervision or hiring a professional. I pay way too much money to have things fixed or end up just replacing things instead of attempting to fix them myself.
Enter the Repair Cafe.
Organized/hosted by the LaGrange Conservation Advisory Council to Help the Environment by Reducing Waste, and sponsored by Dutchess County Soil and Water Conservation District the Repair Cafe is happening this Saturday, November 9th from 10am until 2pm at the LaGrange Town Hall, 120 Stringham Road, LaGrangeville. Though walk-ins are welcome, pre-registration is encouraged. You can email LaGrangeRepairCafe@gmail.combefore November 9th to register in advance, and include your name, email address, and items to repair, keeping in mind that there is a limit of 2 items per person.
Some examples of the items that can be repaired at the event:
- Lamps
- Vacuums
- Toasters
- Small appliances/electrical items
- Chairs
- Picture Frames
- Small tables and wood items
- Computers/electronics
- Clothing repairs include mending and sewing (not alternations)
- Welding and metal repairs of furniture, sleds, etc.)
There will also be free refreshments available at the event.
For more information, check out their website HERE.