Local businesses that appreciate their employees enough to shut down for Labor Day will always have my respect. So what if you may have been a little inconvenienced? You had all weekend to get your shopping done ahead of time. Local businesses that appreciate their employees enough to shut down for Labor Day will always have my respect.

It's rare today to see a business fully embrace Labor Day. It seems like employees are only working harder and companies will do almost anything to stay open and make a just a little more profit.

Initially, when I first saw this sign, the millennial part of me was upset and thought that businesses should be open and convenient for me all of the time. That feeling was quickly put to the side when I realize that not many businesses practice this anymore.

So many places stay open on Easter, Thanksgiving and even Christmas nowadays. Can we give hard working people one day? The answer is yes.

Closing all day long on labor day is a bold choice. Even on Labor Day. How sad is that?

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