I Work Out & Diet, You Don’t So Stop Fit Shaming Me
People who eat like crap really try to rope you in to feed their guilt.
I just want to be clear that shaming anyone about their physical appearance is wrong you just shouldn't do it. In recent years we've become more sensitive to different body types and that's a great thing. You shouldn't shame anyone who's overweight and with that you shouldn't shame anyone for losing weight either.
We're almost a month in to the New Year and a lot of people are on their new diets and workout routines.
Some believe that the 17th of January is the day that most people quit their resolutions. If you chose to go on a diet as your resolution and you've made it this far then keep it up. Don't fall victim to fit shame.
Fit shaming is where people who are around you are jealous of your progress want to try to get you to cave.
They have their ways. They'll tell you that you look to skinny or that one doughnut won't hurt you.
You can't let that get to you.
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