Most Popular Candy You Will Get Trick-or-Treating 2019
Are you anticipating it? The big day? October 31, 2019, the day when your trick-or-treater heads out and brings back the goods. The candy goods. What can you expect to find in that bag or bucket of sweets this year?
Here are the Top 5 candies (in order) according to refinery29.com:
- Skittles. Apparently the kids want to "Taste the Rainbow" this year.
- Reese's Cups. These are always a top treat and it doesn't matter the shape or the size of them (unless you have a peanut allergy)
- M&M's. Again, these are classic Halloween candies. Any flavor as well.
- Snickers. Another classic. This is something that a kid should probably start crying and complaining if they DON'T get in their bucket
- Starburst. Ok, while this might appeal to the same kids that are allegedly enjoying the Skittles. Don't kids want more chocolate?
- Candy Corn. The "OG" of Halloween candy. Best use of candy corn? Putting it in a cake or putting them on top of frosted cookies or cupcakes.
- Hot Tamales. So they still make those?
- Tootsie Pops. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop Pop? If you don't know the answer (three) you should not be allowed to eat these.
- Sour Patch Kids. These are so sour they will make you pucker your face when you eat them. You have been warned.
- Hershey's. Anything Hershey's. Surprised to see this not higher on the list, but when balanced with all the allegedly fruit flavored treats, maybe that's where this classic chocolate company scores this year.
What is the candy that you are hoping to be able to take out of your kids trick-or-treat bag when they bring it home? Will you 'steal' it in plain site or wait until your kids go to bed?
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