Pornhub’s Response to Brandi Asking Them to Blow Her Leaves
This week the adult video website, PornHub, announced that they would be teaming up with Dutchess Lawns in Dutchess County, NY to blow peoples leaves. Pornhub mentioned in a statement that they picked Dutchess County at random because of the abundance of fall foliage.
One could theorize that Pornhub was wanting to take care of peoples leaves so they would have more time to spend on their website. Is that true? One will never know. In order to be considered to have your leaves removed from your yard, you had to submit some info to blows@pornhub.com. Here is the response that I received from the video company, via email:
Thank you very much for your interest in Pornhub’s leaf removal service!
We are currently sifting through all requests and creating a schedule for our landscape partner to help us blow Dutchess County!
We are going to our best to blow everyone but, because of the amount of requests, it might not be possible. Also, because of the varying sizes of the lawns and amount of leaves from house-to-house, we cannot provide an estimated time of service. However, we’ll do what we can to provide updates, so you're not left wondering if and when we will cum.
Know that we take pride in curating some of the best videos on our site for 100M people a day, and, like our fans, if selected for our leaf blowing, you will not be left unsatisfied.
Thank you,
Now, will my leaves get cleaned up? I have no idea. To be honest, I would love to see my neighbors reaction to a PornHub logo-ed truck pulling up to my yard, a bunch of people cleaning the leaves (that I have ignored because of the wet weather) and then heading back out to the next stop when they complete the task at my house.
If you could, would you have PornHub clean up your yard?
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